Today JuryLaw(.)com generated $3 from a single click – which is not surprising given that the eCPM was $1,026.90! The domain is not getting very much traffic – currently getting only a few hits a day. It will likely take a few months for the SEO-optimized site I designed to start improving search visibility to the domain. In general I’ve found that most SEO-optimized sites take 3-6 months to really make their mark on the search engines.
What this shows me is that once the traffic starts going this domain will have incredible revenue potential due to the high-payout for law-related clicks. Just think if the domain is able to get even thirty visitors a day and out of those thirty just five people click- at $1/click (a third of the payout today) that would be $5/day or $150/month.
I’ll continue to keep everyone up-to-date as things progress – thought I would share this small piece of JuryLaw’s history with all of you! See below for a screenshot from AdSense.