Last Friday daily deal giant Groupon nabbed from it’s owner who had registered it back in April of 2011. In January of this year Groupon announced plans to expand their business to Africa after buying Twangoo. South Africa is a big market and the TLD is the .COM of South Africa and putting it on Google’s Trademark radar.
South Africa has a very interesting domain market with some very high sales taking place over the last few years. Some of the top sales in the space have been: – $65,000 – $45,000 – $36,500 – $20,000
Groupon’s South African site is run, not surprisingly at and if you’re in the area you could score a body wrap today for only R160!
If you’d like to learn more about Groupon’s expansion into Africa you can read TechCrunch’s coverage earlier this year. The moral of the story here is simple, don’t buy TM domains no matter what TLD you use. Otherwise there’s a good chance, that someday the Trademark owner might stake their claim.