Friday Musings and Update

Wow – I can’t believe it’s Friday already – this week really flew by even though I didn’t have an Internet connection for the whole week! I wanted to provide an update on what I’ve been up to and a sneak peek at some of the exciting things happening in November.

First let me cover – I have to cancel this week since my Internet connection is still out, however i have some exciting updates and improvements I’m making in November:

– New faster Internet connection, I now have the fastest connection Verizon offers so streaming will be dramatically improved

– Dedicated computer just for, this means I’ll have a machine just optimized for streaming

– More special guests, I will continue to they to get top-quality guests both via video and over the phone

– Two editions every week, I will be doing both a live and pre-recorded edition every week, the pre-recorded will be much better for people that miss the live show

Okay that covers – now onto reflections on life without high-speed Internet.

This week was awesome! Yes – everything ran very slowly with only 3G available and I think this was one of the best learning experiences for me. This week I learned that I need to be much more strategic and less tactical.

Being without Internet caused me to rely on my team more than ever, and I also realized things I was doing that I should be. For example I’ve been working in some PHP scripts, without Internet access I gave all my coding projects to my team in India. What a difference! Sure I’m not involved in the day-to-day coding, but I was able to finish much more than I could have myself and contribute much more to the vision of the products.

Sorry I can’t give-away the details of what I’m working on yet, if you plan to be at DOMAINfest then you’ll probably get to see some cool stuff in person 🙂

Three very exciting things are happening in November:

– I am almost finished writing the 3rd edition of my book, planning on a late November or early December launch

– My Video Course launches this month – you can still pre-order on

– New brand-building service being announced next week, stay-tuned, I’m releasing a Game-Changing service!

On the Domain sales front things have been going well. I’m selling 3-5 domains a week for the last few weeks, average sale price is about 5x what I originally paid. Most of my sales are .us, .net, and .org. Still working hard to close some bigger deals, building some tools to make my job easier!

Otherwise in life things are busy as usual however I’ve been staying cool as a cucumber – I’ve stopped wasting my time getting stressed. When I feel like too much is going on I usually go for a job, swim, or watch a Kung Fu movie – anything to remind me to focus on the big picture. If you have Netflix check-out the National Geographics special on stress – really changed my view on stress.

This weekend we will be enjoying two different Halloween adventures. Saturday night Daina and I will be partying in Huntington Beach and dressed as 70’s disco rockers. Then on Sunday we’ll be in Hollywood, dressed as Adam and Eve…and we’ll both be wearing naked suits! I’ll make sure to send some pictures 🙂

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween, get your mind off Domaining this weekend…so I can nab all the good drops, just kidding! Oh and please feel free to comment and share what you’ll be this year for Halloween!

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton