Flippa Friday: My Weekly Flippa Domain Picks

Flippa Friday

Hello, happy Friday and welcome to another Flippa Friday here on MorganLinton.com! I am pretty excited about today’s picks, there are some pretty awesome domains on Flippa and some great opportunities for domain investors and developers alike. Ready to rock? Let’s get started!

Fit.io – it has been no secret that .IO domains have been growing in popularity over the last couple of years. With companies like Intercom.io raising 23 million dollars a little over a week ago it’s not surprise that .IO names are hot. The fitness space is huge and as you all know I love short domains like this. Just to be transparent there is a very good chance I will be bidding on this name.

Misc.com – I talked about this one last week and at $10,200 with 17 days to go it will be interesting to see how much this sells for. If I were a betting man (and when I got to Vegas I am!) I would say this goes for something north of $20,000. Given that 4L .COMs like this can easily sell in the six-figure range I see this as a great deal for an investor looking for a larger flip.

Aff.org – I’m not typically a huge .ORG fan but I really like short domains and given how hot the affiliate space is now I do like this one. Originally registered in 1996 this domain has some nice age to it and I could see it being the perfect home to a blog about affiliate marketing or an affiliate marketing company itself.

Mortgage.info – Flippa has a great track-record with premium .INFO names and this is no exception. Massive category-killer in a very lucrative niche, currently at $8,000 with 7 days to go.

Hard-Drive.com – while I’m usually not a big fan of dashed-domains I’ll happily make an exception here. Originally registered in 1995 this domain will rank just as well as HardDrive.com since Google has no problems with the dash. At $777 now with 16 days to go, I see this one easily clearing $3,000.

StockPhotoImages.com – hey StockPhoto sold for $250,000 and while I don’t think this is a six-figure name it’s not secret that the stock photography space is incredibly hot online. Currently just north of $1,500 with a day to go, I see this one closing closer to $2,500.

MorganLinton.com Reader Picks

Every week readers send me domains they would like to have featured on Flippa Friday. Unfortunately since I only recommend domains that I think make good investments most of these get turned-down. That being said, I do list these for free so there’s nothing to lose sending me a name you’d like to have featured.

GuardDogTraining.com – who needs an alarm system when you have a guard dog? I did some research in this niche and it turns-out there is a fair amount of money in this niche with guard dog training services ranging from $8,500 all the way up to $28,500. I could see this turning into a very lucrative lead generation site. Currently at $25 with five days to go and no reserve. Just to be transparent there is a very good chance I will be bidding on this name.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton