Hello, Happy Friday and welcome to Flippa Friday here on MorganLinton.com! This has been one heck of a busy week that started in snowy NYC where we almost got stuck in winter storm Nika, luckily we escaped yesterday morning and find ourselves back in sunny LA. There really is no place like home and it was great to get back and see some of the awesome domains listed for sale on Flippa.
Below are my top domain picks from Flippa this week:
Greeting.info – while Greetings.info would have been my top choice given how hot .INFO has been this is still a solid name IMO. The online greetings/card business is booming and at $4,300 with five days to go I think this one will definitely get close to $10k when it sells.
QSave.com – I have talked about this one in the past and at $260 I think it’s still surprisingly low. While I wouldn’t pay $5,000 for this name under $1,000 it does seem like a good potential buy esp. for someone with eCommerce experience.
Misc.com – this is a domain I have also been mentioning for the last few weeks and and $10,300 it’s getting up there but still not bad at all for a decent 4L .COM. With six days to go I think it is safe to say this will easily exceed $15,000 once the auction ends.
StudentVisa.info – I really like this one and will most-likely be bidding on it, student visas are insanely confusing, I’ve experienced it through Daina and trust me, it’s confusing. Great use for a .info and at under $1,000 seems like a great deal.
CurrentPopulation.com – okay, so you’re not going to make big bucks off of this one but I like two-word .COMs and you have a good idea what people are looking for when they go to your site. Easy to put population data together, pepper with some ads and make a few bucks on the side.
DDIL.com – originally registered in 1999 and while I can’t think of a thousand companies that could use this as an acronym there are more than three which means there are buyers.
While I did get lots of submissions from readers this week I’m sorry to say that none of them looked like domains I would buy myself nor that I would recommend other people buy as an investment. Sorry, that’s just how it goes sometimes. My goal every week is to provide real domain picks that I think represent meaningful investment opportunities, if I don’t think you can develop and monetize or flip a name, I won’t list it.
Happy Friday!