Welcome to Day 2 of the Domainvestors.tv SEO Week. If you’ve missed my contest don’t forget to start thinking about what domain you’d like to enter to win some GREAT prizes (to be announced this week!).
Today is another quick lesson geared towards giving you the tools you need to get started with SEO. When creating a website or mini-site it is essential that you use the keywords you would like to rank well for within the text of your site. What many new SEO enthusiasts miss is the importance of using related keywords as well. Here’s an example – let’s suppose that you own the site Kayaking.org; when building a site for this domain you’ll want to use more than just the word “Kayaking” – but how do you pick the right keywords?
It’s not as hard as you might think. Google actually gives you all the answers, and they give it to you for free! You can use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool to easily find the most searched keywords related to your primary keyword. Below is an example of using the tool seeding it with the word “kayaking” and then sorting by global monthly search volume.
As you can see “canoeing kayaking” is the third highest-volume keyword pair whereas “fishing kayaks” and “kayak paddle” received far more local search volume last month. I usually take the top five global and top five local and make sure to use these several time in my text on each page of my site.
That’s it for this lesson – I’m trying to keep these short and sweet which is why I’ve skipped Anchor Text for this lesson. As always feel free to email me if you have any questions – or if you really want an edge – read my book!