With DOMAINfest coming-up next week I thought it was about time for me to share some advice on making the most out of Domain Conferences. I’ve lost count now but I think I’ve been to about ten domain conferences over the last couple of years. In my opinion, Domain Conferences are absolutely the best way to take your Domain Investing business and knowledge to the next level.
I’ve had some very exciting things come from Domain Conferences that have absolutely changed my business and honestly my life, forever. Over the years I’ve really learned how to optimize my time and experience to make sure I get the most out of every conference I attend.
While everyone is different, I thought I would at least share what’s worked for me and hopefully help you maximize your time at DOMAINfest.
1. Create A Set Of Goals BEFORE The Conference – before you hop on a plane and head to a conference make sure you have set very clear goals for what you want to achieve. Don’t set abstract goals but instead tie your goals to real metrics. Do you want to meet a particular Domain Broker and get one or two names under brokerage for the year? Do you want to find someone to help you develop some of the top domains in your portfolio? Is there a particular company you think might be a great partner with your own company? Whatever your goals are, write them down and tie them to real metrics that you can review after the conference to know if you achieved your goals.
2. Get Social And Meet New People – Domain Conferences are some of the best places to make new connections in the industry. If you already have a group of friends in the industry, of course spend time with them, but also don’t forget to meet as many new people as you can. It’s the relationships that you make over a beer at a conference like DOMAINfest that could create a long-lasting friendship and allow for some great collaboration.
3. Attend The Seminars – some of the biggest learning experiences I’ve had in the Domaining world have come from seminars at conferences like DOMAINfest. While you might not attend every seminar make sure to review the list before the conference and highlight the ones that are relevant to you. This year the seminar schedule is amazing with panels containing SEO legends like Bruce Clay, to detailed tips and tricks to optimize your landing page with Tim Ash, the opportunity to learn is incredible.
4. Party Like It’s 1999 – I’ll just come out and say it, DOMAINfest knows how to throw a party, or two, or three! Parties are a great place to follow-up with new connections you’ve made during the day over a beer. This is where a two minute conversation earlier in the day can turn into a real friendship and in many cases, a long-lasting business relationship.
5. Drink Lots Of Water – this may seem like an odd tip to end my list but it’s an important one. Water is important at Domain Conferences for two reasons, first you’re going to be doing a lot of talking so you’ll want to keep your voice in tip-top shape. Second, you’re most likely going to be doing your fare share of drinking and water is that critical element that can allow you to wake-up refreshed and ready for the next day.
I hope these tips help you maximize your time at DOMAINfest and leave the conference with the relationships, tools, and education you need to take your business to the next level. See you in Santa Monica!