DOMAINfest is now less than a month away and already I’ve been coordinating plans with dozens of Domainers that will be flooding Santa Monica in the coming weeks. I have always been truly impressed by the quality of the speakers and seminars that DOMAINfest has, making it a great platform for new and experienced Domainers to learn more from experts in the field.
One of my own personal heroes is Tim Ash, an expert in Landing Page Optimization, CEO of SiteTuners, and author of the book aptly titled, Landing Page Optimization which I highly recommend to all the Domain Developers out there. I had a chance to catch-up with Tim at Affiliate Summit in Las Vegas this week and he was kind enough to record a short video saying hello!
Tim is one of the excellent speakers that you’ll have a chance to see, meet, and network with at DOMAINfest. So with that, I’ll hand it over to Tim!