Anatomy of a Flip: Day 5

Sorry this post didn’t make it officially on Day 5. The Boston Celtics game took precedence over the blog last night. Glad to see the Celtics are going onto the finals, and also very glad to see that I’ll be finished with my flip early!

Day 5 consisted of one task, and one task only. Create an interactive web forum that easily allows users to create an account and communicate together. This might sound like a huge ordeal requiring knowledge of PHP and MySQL…well, I do know PHP, and I do know MySQL, and I didn’t write a single line of code to create my forum.

I use GoDaddy’s Hosting Connection to automatically setup and configure an advanced user forum with a robust MySQL database running behind it. This is unbelievably easy to do and is one feature that makes GoDaddy an excellent hosting provider for domainers, especially flippers.

In the Hosting Connection section I simply selected Simple Machines Forums and hit install. A few minutes later I had a forum up and running on FitnessGames(.)us. I was then able to login to the forum and setup the different message boards, login settings, etc.

After twenty minutes I was done! You can view the completed board (before it is linked-into the site) at the following link: View Forum.

Task: Create interactive web forum  with PHP front-end and MySQL backend
Time to complete task: 20 minutes

That’s it. Today is officially Day 6. I’m going out to see a movie and then, when I get back, will spend the 30-45 minutes required to finish The site will go live on Sunday – one day early, and all with less than an hour of work a day!

Stay tuned later tonight for the last installment of Anatomy of a Flip!

You can always view the flip in its current state at: FitnessGames(.)us

Don’t forget to Read my Book

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton