2014 is already shaping up to be a pretty amazing year. One thing is already guaranteed for 2014, there is going to be a lot of change in the domain world with the introduction of new gTLDs. Love them or hate them, they’re coming and with it means new resources and blogs to cover the action.
While there have been many new entrants to the Domain Blogosphere over the years I wanted to take a moment to welcome dotWhatever.com run by my good friend Kevin, his amazing wife Irene, and the one and only Ray from Hybrid Domainer.
Kevin was one of the first people I met when I was first getting started in the domain industry and I can tell you he is hands down one of the nicest people on the planet. He’s also been in this industry a long time, knows everyone, and should have some great stories ahead about new gTLD adventures. Kevin’s wife Irene is also awesome and I’ve had the chance to spend time with both of them at conferences and around LA over the years.
Ray needs no introduction, he has been one of my favorite bloggers for years and is a major contributor to MorganLinton.com. As I’ve said many times before, it takes a good team to build a great company, and the same is true for a blog. With these three at the helm I can tell you that dotWhatever.com is going to be a great addition to our community.
Welcome Kevin, Irene, and Ray – let’s shake things up!