Well 2018 is already off to a pretty amazing start for .IO as Matrix.io took the cake as the top sale of the day on Monday selling for $30,000 on popular domain marketplace Park.io.
The top sale of the day was Matrix.io which sold for $30,000 at Park.io. NameBio recorded 187 sales for a total of $131,750 with an average sale price of $705. (Source – NameBio)
On a day where the average sale price is $705 it’s pretty incredible to see a .IO domain take the top spot at 42x the average sales price. That being said it’s no secret that .IO has become a top alternative to .COM. This doesn’t mean that companies are now preferring .IO to .COM, I think it’s still very safe to say that whoever bought Matrix.io probably picked Matrix.com as their first choice but likely didn’t have the budget.
It’s a process that startups go through all the time, go with their second choice .COM or their first choice non-.COM. A domain like Matrix.com is easily worth $500,000+ and likely would sell for over $1M IMHO which prices out a ton of companies that would want to brand around the name.
Rewind years ago and if the .COM was taken most people would immediately look to .NET. Today there are more options than ever before but it’s pretty clear that .IO is one of the top options when considering a non .COM. What do you think? Does the Matrix.io sale show that .IO is growing in value or is this more of an outlier? Comment and let your voice be heard!