The last two weeks have probably been the busiest weeks of our entire lives as we prepare for what’s coming on Wednesday – Techstars Demo Day. As many of you know, we have been going through the Techstars startup accelerator here in Austin. Techstars is the #1 startup accelerator in the world and has a significantly lower acceptance rate than Harvard. It also happens to end with a massive event called Demo Day. Forbes has a pretty interesting article for anyone trying to understand startup accelerators a bit more.
This year they are expecting close to 1,000 people to attend the Techstars Austin Demo Day. It will be a mix of Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, Press, along with other Techstars founders and staff. Techstars is famous for teaching founders how to pitch their companies in five minutes in a way that nobody else does. You can see an example of a Demo Day pitch for here, Keen just raised $11.3M and was also part of a Techstars program run by Jason Seats, our Managing Director.
Fashion Metric is at it’s absolute peak with more clients who want to license our technology than we’ve ever seen including some massive companies we didn’t think we’d be working with until much further down the road. It is an incredibly exciting and intense time and Daina has been practicing like crazy getting the pitch just right.
I’ll make sure to share our Demo Day video on here, for now just know I’ll pretty much be in hibernation until Wednesday so don’t expect any in-depth posts on my blog until Thursday. After demo day we’ll be heading back to LA and then Silicon Valley, I couldn’t be more excited and as always I am looking forward to bringing all of you along for the journey!