Weekend Musings – Celebrating Three Great Interns

Fashion Metric Interns

Hello, happy Saturday, and welcome to my weekend musings. I am dedicating this weekends musings to the three amazing interns we had at Fashion Metric this summer, Ben, Shaun, and Rainer (from left to right). I had always dreamed of being able to run a great intern program, one that I wish I could have been a part of when I was in college and I’m excited to say that I think Daina and I were able to make that dream come true.

On Friday we held what we called “Intern Appreciation Day” where each of the interns gave a presentation covering what they did and learned over the summer. We had over 200 applicants for our summer internship program so I can tell you that these three really are the best of the best.


Shaun (pictured above holding the Redbull) joined us for the summer from Grinnell College in Iowa. His first day in Austin was also his first day at Fashion Metric. Shaun is a Computer Science Major with a strong interest in mobile development, he worked on both iOS and Android Apps and like every intern truly exceeded our expectations in every way.


Rainier (sitting in front of the open laptop) is studying Computer Science at UT Austin and helped with the FM Dashboard and CMS. Luckily we don’t have to say goodbye to Rainier as he’s decided to stay-on part time during the school year!


Ben (pictured above) is a Business Major at UT Austin and helped with all things business-related from sales, to marketing, to pouring through size charts. You might ask what Ben is doing in the image above? On Friday’s we do something we like to call the “Fashion Metric Olympics” where we turn our office into an Olympic tournament, above Ben is playing one of the hardest events, Tennis.


The FM Olympics spans many exciting office sports from basketball and soccer, to golf and all ends in a final showdown on one of my personal favorites Mario Kart on our Nintendo 64.


I couldn’t be more excited about what we achieved this summer, each intern made a major impact and I could not be more appreciative for all the hard work they put-into maximizing their time at Fashion Metric!

That’s it from me, I hope you’re all having a great start to your weekend!

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton