Small Business Sunday: DIY Legal Documents

When you’re running a business there are a plethora of legal documents you’ll need over time. A lawyer can do a great job putting a contract together for you, but the cost can be high and in a small business every penny counts. This year I discovered a service called RocketLawyer that makes it easy create complex legal documents following a simple, step-by-step process to customize the document for your exact use case.


I’ve been using Rocket Lawyer for around six-months now and it really does come in handy. I don’t think this is a replacement for having a good lawyer (which every business should have), but it can really come-in handy when you need to put-together a contract or basics legal documents.

What makes the service so easy-to-use is their approach to completing the documents. If you’ve ever done Mad Libs before this will be a familiar process. Rather than giving you a Word document to download and search for the right places to make changes you build the document online by filling-out form, step-by-step.

Like I said above, this definitely is not a replacement for a great lawyer, but in many cases, for simple contracts you can do it yourself thanks to Rocket Lawyer.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton