My Three Favorite .XXX News Headlines

Today was a major day for the ICM Registry with the launch of the .XXX gTLD. Whether you love the new TLD or or hate it, there’s no doubt it’s definitely growing awareness for the domain industry, and, as usual, creating a bit of confusion. Let’s face it, the average consumer still doesn’t really know much about domain names.

I had fun looking at the different headlines come across the newswire throughout the course of the day and thought I’d share my three favorite with all of you! In the first two headlines you can tell the reporters were really just trying to sensationalize the launch as much as possible…I can tell you that ZDNet does have Porn Tuesday on their blog. Of course .XXX has been in the news non-stop lately with plenty more to come.

Porn Tuesday: Colleges, universities ‘not prepared’ for .xxx domains

Dot-XXX Domains Go Live, Escalating Battle for Smutty URLs‎ ‎

新的.XXX 互聯網域名今日開始發售

‎Feel free to share your three favorite headlines! I’m sure there have been plenty more and the buzz, and controversy will continue. Either way I think more and more people are discovering the Domaining Industry every day, and that’s a good thing.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton