iOS 6 Is Finally Usable – Google Maps Is Back


Like the huge Apple fan that I am, I got an iPhone 5 and inadvertently threw myself into a world where one of the core features on my phone, Maps, was broken. It’s still crazy to me that Apple would release such a crumby app since I’m always impressed with their attention to detail but this one really missed the mark.

Soon, I was navigating the world like many other iOS users who bought Apple’s latest-and-greatest phone, but were left being directed to other states (or country’s) when trying to find something just around the block.

A couple of weeks ago in New York City it pulled up 47th Street in Tennessee instead of 47th street in Manhattan. A three block walk suddenly appeared to be a cross-border journey, enough said?

Today is a big day for Google, but also a big day for Apple, iOS 6 is finally usable! TechCrunch did a great article on Google’s New Map App and  if you’re frustrated, you can read Tim Cook’s letter apologizing for releasing something, errr, before it was any good.

(Photo Credit)

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton