Goodbye England – It’s Been Grand!

It’s 11:30PM on Saturday and tomorrow at this time we’ll be back in Los Angeles. It’s been an incredible adventure in Ireland and England and while we’re sad to leave our Domaining buddies – warmer weather is calling!

Since we have to get-up early for our flight I’ll keep this short and sweet and give you a few videos that I thought you would all enjoy. Many more videos to come but I just couldn’t go another day without sharing these three with all of you.

The first video is a snippet from my presentation at MeetDomainers and the next two are me in action as the auctioneer. I still can’t believe the adventure is over – it all went by so fast! However we’re leaving England with more great ideas, inspiration, and most importantly some great new friends!

After meeting so many great people over here I can’t wait to come back and see everyone again, so as our governor Arnold says, “I’ll be back.” Now enjoy these videos as we’re flying across the Atlantic.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton