A couple of days ago I wrote a post about Efty, a platform for domain investors to manage their names and put custom for sale landing pages on them, like this one:
While I’ve been testing out Efty with some of my own domains I noticed that the landing pages loaded pretty slowly. I also mentioned that the founder, Doron, was super quick at helping with support requests and in this case, he rallied the team and literally, since I wrote the post on July 31st (yes today is August 2nd), the landing pages are significantly faster dropping from around 8s to around 3.5s.
Sure, it’s not perfect yet. A simply landing page shouldn’t be faster than 51% of the tested sites and yes the load time should probably be closer to 1s – 2s, but getting the pages to load twice as fast is still a pretty nice improvement. It’s little things like this that go a long way. So many companies hear about a problem a customer is having and say, “we will add that to our feature request list” then months go by and nothing changes.
Hats off to Efty for making a move here so quickly. Like I said above, I’m not saying it’s perfect yet, but to improve so much so quickly definitely shows how much they care and about how quickly they can make an impact on an issue like this that I know is so important to all of us who use the service.