The first day of DOMAINfest Global 2011 is now behind us and what an incredible first day it was! The show was packed as DOMAINfest held their largest event ever with an attendance close to 700 people! Notice that I say 700 people and not 700 Domainers. This year there is a great mix of people in the crowd from Pro Domainers and industry professionals to new Domainers attending their first conference and ready to learn! So what the heck happened yesterday? Come along for my quick look at DOMAINfest Day One.
The day started with a great monetization panel moderated by none other than Domaining legend Frank Schilling.
The panel had a great group of presenters that all gave unique insight on how parking is changing and ways that Domainers can leverage current trends. Frank kept the energy-level high and the information flowing.
Next Peter Celeste welcomed everyone to the conference and announced DomainSponsor’s brand new Precision Targeting Engine. This new technology will allow the DomainSponsor platform to extend to direct advertisers. DomainSponsor already has a sales team up and running cutting deals with advertisers as we speak (or type!).
Eli Goodman followed-up Peter with an incredible presentation reviewing tons of data. This was a great way to start the conference as it immediately gave all of us a detailed look at online trends in 2010 and predictions for 2011. I took a ton of notes and will be doing a separate post reviewing all the great data that Eli shared with us. Eli is a dynamic speaker and kept the crowd engaged and entertained!
I couldn’t think of a better way to continue the day than with a presentation by Oversee CEO Jeff Kupietzky who gave us a detailed look at the state of the industry in 2011. Jeff has his finger on the pulse of the Domaining world and sharing it with all of us at the beginning of the year helps keep us aligned and following the trends. I thought it was a brilliant move to put Eli and Jeff’s presentation next to each other because after hearing both you had a much better understanding of the prevalent trends from last year and how to leverage changes this year!
Bob Parsons gave what I can honestly say was one of the most inspiring and memorable presentations I’ve ever attended. Bob is relevant and gets to the core of an issue we all face – risk. Bob took some great risks in his life, believed in his business, and created an empire. There’s no way I can summarize everything Bob covered in a few sentences but I’ll be posting a separate article to share my thoughts and pass-along a bit of the inspiration that Bob provided all of us in the room!
The day ended with the Low and No Reserve auction which offered some incredible names and made for a lively end to the first day. If you want to see a full list of what sold make sure to check-out DNN’s post detailing the results.
After the auction .CO held a Polynesian Paradise Party by the pool complete with some incredible food, dancing, and of course plenty of Domainers!
So what happened after the .CO party? Well you know the old saying “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?” With me the same is true for Domaining parties, “What happens at Domaining parties stays and Domaining parties” and as usual I don’t blog nightlife…if you want to experience it, you have to be here! Thanks for reading and make sure to friend me on Facebook to stay on-top of the events at DOMAINfest Global Day Two!