You Described Domaining in One Sentence – Now Cast Your Vote!

Earlier this week I wrote a post asking all of my readers how they would describe Domaining in one sentence. Well the readers have spoken as that post spurred a total of 29 comments and some great definitions. Now I can’t list all the definitions and I would like to point-out what I think are the top three. You can vote on your favorite of the three and that’s what I’ll use in the show.

To make it fun I thought I’d also give-out a few awards as well for descriptions that really stood-out.

Most Humorous: @Attila

Domaining is “an industry that gets you addicted like crack cocaine,   where you will be up until 3am in your undies, bidding on ~ buying   domains” Back to my cave…

Most Confusing: @Lance

Domaining is “Process or act of acquiring Domain name(s) of an intangable online  realestate or property, and as such, a Domain Investor is simply by  definition the same as Realestate Investor simply replacing “realestate”  for “domain”, therefore, process of acquiring typically more than once  is known as domaining, whether monetizing, holding,trading, or selling.

Most Concise: @Nic

Domaining is Using Internet adresses as commercial land to own, rent, sell or develop”

Most Overly Concise: @Rich

Domaining is “buy/sell web addresses”

Most-likely Written by a Star Trek Fan: @Gene

Domaining is “The stewardship and redistribution of website addresses for future generations.”

Okay – these awards were just for fun, thanks to everyone who submitted! Now for the main event – my three favorite descriptions. Remember, since the focus here is end-users who many have never heard of a domain name before so it has to be simple. In no particular order the three finalists are:

“Buying, Selling and Developing Internet Addresses For Profit.”

”Domaining is a Business of buying and selling virtual property”

“The process of making money online by purchasing website addresses, to  develop in to a business and/or offer to others for sale”

So let me know which one of these three you think would make the most sense to your grandma, remember we want end-users to understand what we do and tons of end-users have no idea what a domain name is! Thanks in advance for your help, the description picked will be use to represent our industry in front of tens of thousands of people. This is why it’s so important to vote and share your opinion – we’re going to be reaching the masses soon enough and you can help!