WordPress Wednesday: ZippyKid Takes Their Platform To The Next Level

As many of you know I made the switch to managing WordPress myself to using a fully managed platform ZippyKid a few months ago. While this is still a relatively new company they have put a major focus on customer support and I’ve seen this from the moment I started working with them. The switch to managed WordPress hosting made an even bigger positive impact in my business than I was expecting. The first major benefit was no longer having to worry about WordPress security and updates.

Before using a managed solution I had to learn the ins and outs of WordPress security and stay on top of them as new releases came out. When you’re doing this for one site it’s manageable, do it for two or three and it soon becomes very time consuming.

Once I was up and running with ZippyKid all the pressures of managing a WordPress site (or sites in my case) went out the window. On top of the peace-of-mind I was also happy to find that this service is called “Zippy” for a reason. My blogs were suddenly lightning fast, honestly faster than I’ve ever seen a WordPress site in my life. Accessing the Dashboard was suddenly realtime, no more waiting and my page load time dropped considerably.

As a new service I am also watching ZippyKid grow and evolve which is pretty fun. This week I was excited to find a new panel for managing my sites and requesting new sites to be built. This really takes the platform to the next level, and while it may seem simple, since it didn’t exist before, it’s a very welcomed upgrade. When you’re using a piece of software there’s nothing more satisfying that seeing it get better over time, it makes you feel like a part of something very innovative. Here’s a look at the new interface for managing multiple WordPress sites:

When I want to add a new site I just enter the domain name in the text entry box and the top, click the “Add New Site” button and a few minutes later I get an email with all the setup details. ZippyKid stages the site first so you can make it look just the way you like before bringing it live. It’s the little updates like this coupled with great support that have made ZippyKid a star in my book.

As always I want to hear from you! Do you have experience with ZippyKid or any other managed WordPress platform? Comment and let your voice be heard!