Why is Domaining so Misunderstood – Part 2

Okay – so I just received another email and had to share it with all of you. This is not necessarily to poke fun at the rather abrasive individual sending me these emails but instead to show how little is known about our industry. In this case he considers selling any domain for more than $10 to be scamming someone. Read below, and while you may chuckle, it still shows just how far we have to go! Let’s do more to let people know about our industry because ignorance in this case has turned one person against us!

Why can’t I get my domain from godaddy for $10 a year? Why do I need you and your newfound industry? I appreciate that you think you are “building” something but you could just as well teach courses on how to trademark company names and then extort them for their own name back. No matter how many people are kind, or are making tons of money off of this it still is, at it’s core, a scam.  Just because it generates income doesn’t make it ethical. You are preying on the defensless and that’s the capitalist way but I don;t have to agree or condone it. It is wrong… pure and simple.  I know you have a lot invested in this but you should do yourself a favor and take your seemingly substantial talents elsewhere and do some real good for people.  Teach people how to produce web content, SEO ad copy, etc. etc.  Buying and selling domains that people should be able to get for their actual cost, $10 a year, is just plain wrong.  Sorry to shine the light of truth into your cave of iniquity but just because the cave is full of great people makes it no less a place of cockroaches and scheisters and swindlers.

$10 domains. period.  nobody else should be allowed to own them.  You must show proof of business licensure or bricks and mortar store or within a certain amount of time you must be actively producing something other than waiting like a spider for a fly to buzz along and make you some money for NOTHING!! These laws are coming soon to your industry because of the founders of the internet like myself who all know just how wrong you and your industry truly are.  You are on the same level with spammers.  An unwanted virus that time will eradicate, we just haven;t gotten around to you yet.  Find another business!!