What is the KPI for a new gTLD?

In the startup world we talk a lot about KPI’s, this stands for Key Performance Indicator. A KPI is a measurable value that can give someone (usually investors) an idea about how a company is doing. For a company like Facebook KPI’s are things like DAU’s or Daily Active Users, for a company like Uber a KPI investors look at is the number of trips booked on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

In the new gTLD space we often talk about registrations as the KPI however I personally think that something like number of live websites or number of unique registrants would probably be a better KPI.

So my question to all of you is – what is the KPI for a new gTLD? What metric do you look at to judge how successful a new gTLD is?

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Photo Credit: christophe.benoit74 via Compfight cc