What I Learned This Week

Well normally I would do this post on Saturday but I decided to spend a day away from my computer completely focused on my wonderful girlfriend. After traveling to frigid Boston last week there’s nothing like coming back to 80 degree weather in LA. While I had to wear a big jacket, gloves, and a hat just to be relatively warm I find myself cooking even in a bathing suit outside here in LA! Okay, enough gloating, weather definitely impacts your mood and to have a hot sunny weekend in December is awesome for a guy that lived on the East Coast for nine years!

Today I’ve spent the morning working and then we plan to hit the trail and head for a afternoon hike/jog. I learned a LOT this week and I can already tell 2011 is going to be one incredible year!

  1. If you are running a business it’s important to be strategic and not get stuck in the weeds being overly tactical. All too often we get pulled-into the tactical day-to-date and forget to re-surface and ensure we’re staying strategic. If you are to running a business this could be the difference between success or failure. Remember, you want to spend more time working on your business than in your business.
  2. Adding a directory to your site can dramatically lower your bounce rate and generate direct advertising interest. I am working on a directory for Kayaking.org behind the scenes right now. This will be unveiled to the public in January along with the roll-out of Kayaking.org v2.
  3. Bureaucracy can be a good thing but it can also dramatically slow progress if not executive properly. Seeing another ICANN meeting go by with no progress is a bit disappointing. It will be interesting to see how this organization develops over the next five years. The space is evolving so quickly I can’t help but think that ICANN will have to change to keep up…right?
  4. You really can’t beat LA weather!
  5. Virgin America really takes air travel to a whole new place, American Airlines does not. As you all know (or should by now) I travel a lot. It’s rare that I to experience an airline I haven’t tried before. I flew Virgin American to Boston and the entire end-to-end experience was incredible! I’ll be covering this more on my travel blog, Civilized Travel. I flew American back and was in an ancient plane with no amenities, really was like taking a plane there and a bus back!
  6. Domainers in Southern California are coming in full-force to our MeetUp next week. We didn’t know how many people to expect given that mid-December is a busy time for just about everyone. I am blown-away that we have 21 people confirmed – it’s going to be an incredible way to end the year!
  7. Domainers are embracing Facebook more than ever. I’ve seen this trend increase dramatically over the last year, it seems like we’re really at a new level now. There is a strong Domainer presence on Facebook, if you’re not interacting you’re missing out!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and as always feel free to share what you learned!

Also – if you haven’t yet entered my Facebook Fan Contest make sure to enter it today! You could win a prize worth $499!