What Do You Think Of LL .ORGs?

There has been a lot of buzz about LL .ORG’s today with MD.org going over the $500K mark on NameJet and setting the all-time sales record of $555,655. There is absolutely no doubt that this is an absolutely stellar domain name and it calls into question the value of LL .ORG domains.

I have always been a fan of short domains and when it comes to short you can’t get much shorter than a two character domain. So I’m interested to know what all of you think about LL .ORGs. Obviously MD is a very special one but what do you think about the LL.org market as a whole?

Comment and let your voice be heard!

P.S. I’m not sure whether to call them LL .ORG’s, two char .ORG’s or 2L .ORG’s so went with LL for this post. Feel free to chime in on what to call them as well if you’d like!