Welcome To Flippa Friday!

I’ve decided to start a new segment on my blog called Flippa Friday. Every Friday I will highlight a few Flippa auctions that I think are worth taking a look at. I’d like to state for the record that this is not sponsored by Flippa in any way, I’m doing this because I look at these auctions daily and thought it was about time I started sharing with all of you!

When I’m looking at Flippa auctions there are a few key factors I consider – revenue, profit, pagerank, and age. Typically I look for domains/websites that are over a year old, have some pagerank, and a bit of existing revenue and profit. Of course the niche, keyword popularity and many other factors play a part in my decision process as well.

So for my first Flippa Friday I’m excited to share the following auctions with all of you. Now let’s be clear, I’m not saying you should buy these, just like Domain Droplists it’s important to do your homework and make decisions based on your own research.

PR: 6
Pages in Google: 1 million+
Domain Registration Year: 2004

PR: 3
Pages in Google: 580
Domain Registration Year: 2002

PR: 4
Pages in Google: 277
Domain Registration Year: 2000

There are plenty of other auctions I have my eye on but I wanted to share these three with you for my first Flippa Friday. I hope you enjoy this new weekly segment on my blog – stay-tuned next week for another Flippa Friday!