Weekend Musings: Swan Lake Ballet, Email Rants and The Points Guy

Hello, happy Saturday, and welcome to my weekend musings. This is a working weekend for us so I’m spending most of my time glued to my computer. Of course during working weekends we still like to take a little break and this afternoon we’re going to see the Ballet Austin’s Swan Lake which we’re both really looking forward to. Yes, I like watching ballet, I used to go as a kid and there’s something very relaxing about it. Austin has so many great theater and dance performances that I’m finding we’re going to more live performances than we ever did in LA.

Yesterday I wrote a post asking the question, why has no killer email client come out for the Mac? Joshua Baer, one of the leaders of the Austin startup community who has founded a number of email-related startups himself shared an article he wrote that I think does a brilliant job of explaining why in fact this hasn’t happened. If you, like me is wondering why email clients have been stuck in a rut for so many years I highly recommend reading Josh’s article here.

As many of you know I spent years traveling around the world while I was working for Sonos, and I’ve always had a passion for travel. I recently discovered a pretty awesome travel blog called The Points Guy that I recommend any of my readers that are also travel geeks take a look at. One thing you learn after traveling for years is that points can and will add up, and if you plan it right you can get a free vacation every single year just by putting some thought into what credit cards you use, what hotels you stay in, and what airlines you fly. We’re planning on taking a vacation this summer and I can tell you the cost will be $0 just like most of our hotel stays, it’s taken years to master but The Points Guy shares a lot of the things that I’ve done and I can tell you they definitely work.

Okay, time to get ready for the Ballet, happy Saturday and I hope you all have a great weekend. As usual I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to share your own weekend musings or comment on any of mine!