Weekend Musings – DNCruise 2 Here We Come!

Hello and welcome to my weekend musings. Next week Daina and I will be joining our friends and fellow Domainers aboard DNCruise! The boat will take us first to Grand Cayman where we’ll be snorkeling and having lunch with Frank Schilling, and then onto Cozumel for some more fun in the sun! We can’t wait, not only is this a much-needed vacation but DNCruise is an incredible conference and exciting experience!

What I really find unique about an event like DNCruise is that you get all the benefits of a cruise, except you know a ton of people on the ship, are constantly going to private parties and special events. It’s a bit like being a VIP on the ship while also getting the chance to learn from some excellent speakers. Patrick has done a stellar job putting-together some really great sessions.

So that’s next week, how about my reflections on last week!

  • Building a brand means forging relationships with leaders in the space. In building some of my larger brands I’ve had to really work hard to establish relationships with people in the space. While I’ve talked to a ton of people on the phone and made some great deals, I haven’t met a single one of them in person. I realize this is really the next step I have to take – going to at least one conference a year in the niches my brands are a part of. I am confident this will really accelerate the relationship-building part of building a brand while also helping me increase my depth of knowledge…also this sounds like a lot of fun. This would mean I would go to a BMW/car show, a kayaking tradeshow, a travel/travel products tradeshow, an adventure travel event (for a brand that is coming soon!), and of course more Domaining and Startup shows!
  • SEO Quake really is a must-have SEO plugin. I used to use SEOQuake in the past but stopped a few years ago. I reinstalled it this week to do some research I was doing in a particular niche and fell in love with it again. This really is a time-saver, you can do a search for any keyword phrase in Google and see the PR, income links, etc. for all the results. This is such valuable information when determining how much SEO work it will take to get your site above the fold in Google.
  • We redesigned BlogAboutWine.com last week. Daina and I redesigned our wine blog last week, we really like the new design, let me know what you think! We both love wine and wine tasting and it’s been a lot of fun to work on this blog together!
  • Email can be overloading! This was a very intense week for email. I’m not sure why, mostly good things, but just a LOT of things at once. I think 3-4 hours of my day was spent doing emails. I’m hoping this was a one week event, otherwise I’ll need to find an easy way to clone myself!
  • Time. Time is so valuable. Lately I’ve been evaluating how I spent my time a lot, if you can optimize how you spend your time and make sure you’re spending it on the right things, you’ll live a better life, period. Over the years I’ve really improved on limiting the number of things that I’m doing, but I still need to get better. At the end of the day I’m most interested in the time I get to spend with Daina and my friends and family. How do you spend your time?

Okay, that’s it. Daina and I are going to be doing some shopping today in LA/Beverly Hills and then having a nice dinner at home followed by Movie Night! Tomorrow we’ll be getting on a plane and making our way to Tampa. I hope you are all having a great start to your weekend.

Comment and let your voice be heard! Heck – share your own weekend musings, this blog’s not just about me!