Weekend Musings

Hello, happy Sunday, and welcome to my weekend musings! It has been an action-packed weekend and with a busy day ahead I’m going to keep this short and sweet.

Lean Startup Machine is in Los Angeles this weekend. Fashion Metric started at Lean Startup Machine last summer and we have a lot of fun mentoring when the event comes to town. Unlike Startup Weekend, Lean Startup Machine isn’t about starting a company in a weekend, instead it’s all about validating and invalidating assumptions. Yes, you know, assumptions, those things that we all have and that many people build businesses on just to find out that their initial assumptions were wrong. Lean Startup Machine shows entrepreneurs how to get out of the building, talk to real customers, and organize this data so you can build, measure, and learn.

Today is the final day of LSM which means that teams will be busy putting-together their presentations for the final presentations tonight. There are some great teams this time around and I am really looking forward to seeing what each of them were able to learn over the weekend!

This was also a pretty Mega weekend in New Zealand where a new Dropbox competitor was unveiled by Kim Dotcom. The new system is now live on Mega.co.nz and in the first day over 1 million people registered for the service. Demand for the new service grew so quickly that the site has been up and down, a problem, but not a terrible problem to have, heck, better to have too many people interested in using your service than not enough!

Yesterday Kim Dotcom met with press from all over the world and hosted what will go down in history as one Mega Party. Ars Technica was there along with TechCrunch, CNET, Forbes, and the list goes on.

(image source – Ars Technica)

The party was complete with a recreation of the raid on Dotcom’s New Zealand estate a year ago. Mega is all about privacy and Kim Dotcom emphasized the importance of managing and respecting privacy online. It’s easy to forget how young the Internet is, the concept of online privacy is still coming together, Mega is making a big move and the whole world is watching.

Otherwise another beautiful day in LA, and with that it’s time to head over to Lean Startup Machine, presentations are due in just a few hours! Can’t wait to see what everyone has learned over the weekend, it’s time to get lean!