Weekend Musings

Hello and welcome to another Weekend Musings here on MorganLinton.com! It is Sunday morning (or afternoon, or evening depending on where you are!) and we are just getting started with our day. Today we will be spending some time in Santa Monica looking at condos as we get ready to make our first purchase in the real estate investment world!

One thing I’ve already learned so far is that physical real estate and virtual real estate actually have a lot of similarities. At the end of the day it’s all about location and value of location changes over time. There are things that can cause the value of a particular location to go up just like a popular niche or trend becoming more popular. An example in the domain world would be 3D taking-off causing 3DTV domain owners to have much more valuable property. In fact, this has already happened with “The Cloud” and some very fortunate cloud domain owners.

In Santa Monica a new train system connecting it to downtown Los Angeles is expected to go live within the next 6-8 years. While Santa Monica is still one of the most desirable please to live in Southern California, this is believed to bring real estate even higher in the city. Okay, enough about physical real estate, let’s talk digital real estate:

  • Frank wrote a great post about why Google closed Adsense For Domains and why type-in traffic is still alive and well. Frank has one of the largest direct navigation portfolios so when he talks about type-in traffic, we should all listen and learn.
  • Verisign renewed their contract for .TV through 2021 according to data found by TheDomains. This is a good sign for .TV investors! I am a big believer in .TV but was concerned about a lack of alignment between Verisign and the government of Tuvalu. This definitely shows that whatever conflict there was, is now most likely a thing of the past and .TV investors can breathe a sigh of relief!
  • 2012 is going incredibly well for me and I’m hearing the same from other Domainers. I am still seeing that two-word .COM domains are definitely getting the most end-user attention.
  • I’m hearing more and more developers tell me they’re building all of their sites in WordPress. I can understand why and I’m finding this year that we’re building more WordPress sites than ever before. It’s easier to build a site and add complex features and then hand it over to someone else to run. Soon we’ll be migrating one of our top sites over to WordPress and I’ll be doing a post all about the move and the advantages it has for us!
  • Google Chrome for the Mac is incredibly fast, much faster than Safari or Firefox. For some reason I waited until last week to try it out and now I don’t know how I’ve gone for so long using slower browsers. If you have a Mac and haven’t installed it yet, just do it – it is by far the fastest browser on the Mac.

Okay, that’s it for now, time to go for a jog then off to look at more places in Santa Monica. I hope you are all having a great weekend and as always feel free to share your own weekend musings in the comment section below!

(Photo Credit)