Twitter Thursdays: Twitter Performance Analytics Are Live!

Hello, Happy Thursday, and welcome to my latest weekly feature here on – Twitter Thursdays. There was a time when people thought that Twitter was just for posting things like “I just ate breakfast!” or “I love skiing!” however now that companies around the world are using it for business, the view has changed and there’s no denying that Twitter means business.

Like most people I use Twitter for a mix of business and news. I used to visit and to get my news, now my Twitter feed is where I get my news. Why? Because rather than following a bunch of random people, I follow people that tweet relevant news stories and updates about the things I am interested in. I follow people like DNJournal and Elliot’s Blog to get domain news, TechCrunch, Pandodaily and VentureBeat to get startup news, and legendary VC’s and successful entrepreneurs like Mark Suster and James Altucher to learn more about what they find relevant.

As a business I use Twitter to connect with customers all over the world. The #1 way that Fashion Metric has connected with new brands is through Twitter, and Linton Investments has  received more new clients through Twitter than any other source. So needless to say, I’m a bit of a Twitter geek. That is why I am so excited about Twitter’s announcement today that they will be providing detailed metrics and analytics to better understand how your tweets perform via their Ads dashboard.

We are still in the early days of social media. For those who have been using the web for a while you probably remember Overture, now the Google Adword Keyword Tool dominates in the web data space (but it’s going away) and Facebook has some nifty analytics they provide, and now Twitter. I see this as a huge step forward and a great chance for businesses to better test and understand the best ways to connect with their customers.

I used to have a sticky note on my monitor, it said “It’s all about data” and why that sticky note is not longer there, I still feel the same way. Hats off to Twitter for providing what I think it going to be some pretty darn useful data for all of us, oh and making it free!