TRAFFIC Dublin 2010 – Day One

TRAFFIC Dublin 2010 Day One is now over and I couldn’t imagine a more successful start to the conference! Once again Rick Latona and team have shown that they can put-together an amazing conference jam-packed with great sessions and excellent networking opportunities.

To help you feel a bit more like part of the action I recorded a short intro video this morning:

The conference started with opening remarks by Rick Latona. After this the first session started – Site Clinic. The focus of this session was to allow audience members to get SEO and monetization feedback on their own sites. Myself, Rick Latona, and Kathy Nielsen were on the panel and the audience was ready to rock right-away! We evaluated a ton of sites and provided some great feedback and ideas to help audience members rank better and achieve better conversions.

Some of the main themes discussed during the site clinic were how to better direct your visitor to your main revenue stream, integrating social media, and fixing some common SEO mistakes. I would tell you more but come’on that’s the advantage of coming to a conference like this so I can’t give-away all the good stuff – you have to be here!

After the site clinic Daniel Eisenhut from InternetX spoke about enhanced mobility. InternetX just came-out with a very slick iPhone app that I can’t wait to try-out. They are a very forward-thinking company and it’s things like these that keep them ahead of the curve!

Following Daniel’s presentation we moved-into the adjoining room for lunch. Lunch at a conference like TRAFFIC offers yet another great networking opportunity. Everyone is very approachable and it’s always fun to sit at a table with fellow Domainers and talk about what we’re all passionate about!

After lunch the SEO Topic session began and I have to say this one really went-over the top providing in-depth SEO tips and tricks that you just can’t get online. Three SEO experts shared their experiences and tips and took questions from the audience.

This is another great example of how interactive these sessions are. Audience members had the opportunity to ask SEO experts anything they wanted. Considering most SEO experts charge north of $200/hour this really was an incredible opportunity and as an SEO geek a really fun one for me!

The final session of the day is one of my personal favorites – Test Track. Test Track allows Entrepreneurs to present their ideas to a panel of investors. This is a great opportunity for both the Entrepreneurs and audience. Entrepreneurs get the chance to pitch their ideas and audience members have the opportunity to learn more about what investors are looking for in this space.

At the beginning of the session Lori Anne Wardi from .CO gave a great presentation about .CO and the current status of the TLD. With over 400,000 registrations the extension is going strong and Lori pointed-out some great stats about .CO and some of the great things being done with it.

Since Test Track does contain a fair amount of confidential information I’m going to keep the details out of this post – once again – you really have to be here!

The night’s festivities kicked-off with a cocktail party followed by dinner. I had to skip-out on dinner because I really wanted to write this post and share TRAFFIC Dublin Day One with all of you!

Now it’s time to catch-up on some emails and then we’re heading-out to a popular Irish pub called The Arlington to see some traditional Irish dancing! Stay-tuned for more photos, videos and updates from TRAFFIC Dublin 2010!