Tired and Inspired – One Week, Three Conferences, One Rap Star

I just got back home after my first conference extravaganza of 2011. While I would love to share a recap of Affiliate Summit Day Three I need to put sleep back on the radar. Over the last four nights I’ve had a cumulative 14 hours of sleep which averages out to under 4 hours a night. However it was totally worth it because even though I am beyond tired…I am also more inspired than ever!

Last night Affiliate Summit threw their first annual Affiliate Ball featuring Three 6 Mafia in a private party at the Rio. I know many of you can’t see me as a major hip hop fan but I’m a HUGE music lover and enjoy just about every kind of music on the planet. I also love a good concert and this was one of the best I’ve ever been to? Why was it so good? That’s easy, about half-way through the concert I was hoisted on stage and before I knew it I was part of the show. The lead signer even put the mic on me a few times which means that I’m now officially a rapper…okay maybe not, but it sure was a lot of fun!

Enjoy the pictures below and stay-tuned tomorrow for my recap of Affiliate Summit Day Three!