The Best Weekend Of My Life

This post has absolutely nothing to do with Domaining, technology, social media, startups, or any of the other things I usually write about. Instead I felt it was important to share with all of you a truly magical and life-changing weekend. Many of you who are friends of mine on Facebook already know the news, but for those who don’t I am unbelievably excited to say that Daina and I are now engaged!

While we posted a video on Facebook and enjoyed changing our status from “in a relationship with” to “engaged” I thought I would share the story of how it all happened with all of you. Let’s face it – we’ve all gone through some amazing adventures together since I started this blog back in 2007 and so I thought you’d all appreciate this incredible moment in our lives!

I decided to pop the question in Santa Barbara wine country. Daina and I absolutely love wine tasting. Apart from loving wine we enjoying getting away from it all and Santa Barbara wine country truly is one of the most special places on the planet. We had planned to go wine tasting on Sunday and arrived at a beautiful bed and breakfast nestled in the heart of wine country called the Ballard Inn.

Now it’s not just the Ballard Inn that was important to me but also the Mountain Room. I had heard from reading reviews that apart from being a top-notch bed and breakfast, the mountain room had romance in the air. The room has a warm and cozy feel and I made sure they had the fire going for us when we arrived. You can see a picture of the room below:

We brought a bottle of our favorite wine (Zaca Mesa Syrah – the winery that started Santa Barbara wine country!) and were enjoying some wine by the fire with romantic music playing in the background. Romance really was in the air, it was the right time, it was so romantic, and I did it – I popped the question.

While Daina did know this was coming in the next few months since we’ve been planning on getting engaged in the first part of this year, she didn’t expect it that night. We both hugged, laughed, cried, and enjoyed our first moments together in the next stage of our relationship.

We spent the next day tasting wine at some of our favorite vineyards as well as a couple new stops ending at a winery that was truly magical called Demetria. It really was the best weekend of my life and an incredible time for Daina and I to appreciate each other and the commitment we are making to spend our lives together. I’ve never been happier, I’ve never felt luckier, and I can’t wait to share all our future adventures with all of you!