Take a minute, right now, to sign this petition to stop the .COM price increase

You might not know this but the price of .COM domains could increase, by an unknown amount, in a little over a month. Verisign, the company that currently has the exclusive right to issue .COM domains could make hundreds of millions of dollars off of all of us by increasing the price of every .COM domain registration and renewal in the world.

While you might think it’s impossible to stand up to a big company, it’s not, but it does take an organization with experience standing up to big companies on behalf of domain owners. That organization is the ICA (Internet Commerce Association) and they have been standing up for the rights of domain owners for a long time now.

To help stop the price increase of .COM domains, the ICA has put together a website – stopthepriceincreaseof.com and a petition which I strongly urge anyone who is reading this to take a minute to sign.

I would like to sincerely thank the ICA for championing this issue, now it’s up to all of us to sign the petition and spread the word. So please, take thirty seconds to stop what you’re doing and click the link below:

Sign the Petition