Sometimes it takes me longer than I’d like to approve comments from new commentators

I think one thing that probably makes me different from most blogs is that it takes me longer than most to approve comments when I have a reader who is commenting for the first time. As a startup founder (Bold Metrics) my days are absolutely packed so I only get a chance to look at my blog often once in a 24-hour time period.

That being said, I am super excited to see how many new readers I am getting, and how many people are jumping in to comment and share their opinions. If it’s your first time commenting I just have to approve your comment once and you’ll be good to go from there.

So if you’ve been thinking about commenting and finally decide to do it…then you notice you comment doesn’t show up and you think, “that Morgan guy is a jerk, he didn’t publish my comment, screw him!” Just wait 24-hours or shoot me an email because trust me, I want your comment on my blog, good or bad I want my readers to know that their voice can be heard.