Small Business Sunday: How WordPress Can Help Small Businesses

Does Your Small Business Need A Facelift?

Most small businesses have a similar challenge, getting customers. Google Adwords really changed the game by allowing businesses of all sizes to reach their audience online. However, as prices went-up, small businesses got priced-out of the top spots in many niches making ranking well for their keywords a critical way to drive business.

Now, search engines like Google are favoring big brands making it even more difficult for small businesses to keep up. Big brands have big budgets which means sites with the latest-and-greatest technology behind them, and often big spends in the SEO department.

Many small businesses still have the same website they put up five, six, or even ten years ago. When a customer visits their site it looks old and out of date which reflects negatively on the business. Adding content can be a challenge and SEO is a very manual process. Lucky for small businesses, it’s 2012 and WordPress has been revolutionizing the website development process making it easy for anyone to build a great-looking site.

So how can a small business get started with WordPress?

  1. Pick a business/company theme for your site. One of the best things about WordPress is their theme architecture. For under $100 you can get a very nice looking site designed by professional designers. I highly recommend WooThemes which has some really sharp business themes.
  2. Create a great logo for your business. Have an old outdated logo? You can get a great logo for under $30 through LogoNerds, you’ll even get multiple revisions. Revamping your logo is one of the easiest ways you can make your entire brand look better.
  3. Install Plugins. There are some great plugins for WordPress that can automate many of the things you did manually on your previous website. Things like automatic backups, security, and SEO can be setup in a matter of minutes and most importantly, without writing a single line of code. You can get started with my list of the best WordPress Plugins for 2012.

Of course you can go much deeper, and you probably will – but this is the easiest way to get started. If you want to get under the hood even more and learn the ins and outs of WordPress, make sure to check-out my free article, which I think is the quickest way to learn WordPress. So if the website for your small business is starting to look a bit outdated, or if you’ve fallen to the dreaded page two of Google, then it’s time to take your website to the next level. WordPress has leveled the playing field allowing small business owners to build great-looking sites, without having to spend an incredible amount of money.

So get started and don’t be afraid, if it’s more customers that you want, then a better website is what you need!

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