Required reading for founders – How to Fix Startup Board Meetings

Jon Callaghan, a VC with True Ventures in Palo Alto wrote one of the best articles I’ve ever read about how to make board meetings more effective. Let’s be honest, done right board meetings can be incredibly helpful and valuable for both founders and investors. Done wrong and founders can spend hours reading slides with little interactions from both sides. The reality is a board meeting can be massively helpful, if structured properly, and Jon literally wrote the blueprint in an article that just hit Techcrunch about fifteen minutes ago.

“A great board meeting is a working meeting. For some people, the real work of a board can feel messy. This is because a good board meeting in a startup is not one that sticks to a carefully manicured agenda. Startups are too dynamic for this, so let go of the agenda as needed so your board can “work.” I approach every board meeting as Go time. It’s not “dress rehearsal,” and I expect everyone in the room to bring their 100 percent.” (Source – TechCrunch)

Whether you’re a first-time foundering trying to figure-out how to best structure their board meetings, or if you’ve held your fair share of board meetings but know they could be more effective, this is a must-read. Thanks to Jon for sharing and for those of you who think board meetings are a waste of time, read this now.

Photo Credit: Jim Larrison via Compfight cc