Sells for $95,000 on Flippa

Flippa had another blockbuster sale a few weeks ago that I thought was important to talk about. This is another great example of how building a brand on a domain can result in big bucks, even if there’s no revenue coming in! was developed four years ago as a social network for recruiters. The site has grown like crazy attracting 28,000 members and over 17,000 blog posts and forum discussions.

What I really like about this site is that the developers focused completely on building a community rather than building revenue. What they ended-up with was a real brand and business that had over 10,000 Twitter followers, and an email list exceeding 50,000 people.

The brand sold on Flippa for $95,000 to two medical recruiters Noel Cocca and Tim Spagnola who started a recruiting blog last year called Both Noel and Tim have been big fans and contributors to the site and see little changes needed in the near-future. Just another great example of turning a domain into a brand and focusing on the customer rather than the revenue. If you build it, they will come, and in this case, they came and in the end purchased the brand – but not without a fight, there were 47 bids on this auction from 18 unique bidders so Noel and Tim were hardly the only people to see the value in this brand.

Congrats to Noel, Tim, the founders of and of course Flippa, another great sale and more proof that turning your domains into brand IS the way to go. As usual I’d love to hear from you! Comment and let your voice be heard!