Quick Chat With Braden Pollock About Investing In ScienceFiction.com

As you all probably know, Braden is a good friend of mine and one of my main mentors in the Domaining and business world. Braden was the driving force that caused me to go .COM in 2011 and he always gives me great advice…now I just need to get a bit better at following it!

It was recently announced that Braden made an investment in ScienceFiction.com and I thought it would be a good idea to pick his brain and find-out a bit more about why he invested and what’s ahead for 2012.

What made you decide to invest in ScienceFiction.com?
Science Fiction has always had a loyal fan base. Add to that a continuous roster of scifi/horror/comic book related movies and you have the recipe to tap into some large ad budgets.

Patrick and Ze work tirelessly on this site and have done an awesome job. When Patrick approached me with the idea, it just felt like a good fit.

What role do you plan on playing within the company?
Other than annoying Patrick with an endless stream of crazy ideas? My plan is to stay out of his way ☺

Can you share any ideas you have for taking the site to the next level in 2012?
Once we get the traffic solidly over 500k monthly visitors, we can reach out to the large advertisers. There are some ideas that we’ve discussed related to co-op memorabilia auctions and other product sales but nothing has been inked yet.

How do the skills you’ve developed in your own business translate to this project?
I’ve helped acquire a small domain portfolio to support the site and various (future) initiatives. My office can help with content writing, linking, SEO, design, etc. My sales dept may be involved in sales as well. We’ll see how everything unfolds going forward.

What is the biggest challenge you see ahead for 2012?
Fighting the Google Monster!

(Photo Credit – Ron Jackson, DNJournal)