Okay, this might take the cake for the most ridiculous premium Flippa domain listing ever

In general I’ve found that Flippa isn’t a great place to sell domains, it’s just not what the marketplace was designed for. While Flippa did increase focus on domain names a few years ago, they weren’t able to generate enough revenue to make it an interesting business for them. Now Flippa essentially just lets anyone list any domain without any filtering which means there’s a lot of junk domains on there, and a lot of people who shell out their hard-earned money for listing fees that end up being a complete waste.

Yesterday when I was on Twitter I saw Flippa’s Twitter account promoting a domain auction which they call “New and Premium on Flippa” – here’s the tweet:

Yikes. Is it just me or does this tweet make no sense? New and premium? This is a seven word .COM that was hand registered by the owner four years ago. This is not a premium domain name, period. What this really shows me is that Flippa has absolutely no filtering system around which domain listings are allowed to be premium – if you pay extra you’ve got a premium domain name.

It gets more ridiculous, here’s the listing:

Did you spot the minimum offer? $15,000? Note there is no site on the domain, no revenue, this really is just a seven word .COM that someone hand-registered and shelled out the money for a premium listing on Flippa. Since Flippa has no filter on premium, anything gets through and this domain owner is left with an auction for a terrible domain at a price it will never sell for.

I’ve seen some pretty ridiculous domain listings on Flippa, but this one takes the cake. What do you think? Comment and let your voice be heard!