Night Writing

Over the years I’ve found myself going through different phases when it comes to writing. When I first started writing this blog I did everything in real time. At that point I didn’t know about scheduled posts and in fact I’m not sure if it was even possible to schedule posts back then. Then as time went on I got more organized and started writing at night, scheduling my posts for the following day.

As life has become more busy I’ve found it harder to plan too far ahead with my blog posts and I’ve found myself oscillating between writing my posts in realtime and writing them at night.

This weekend I was looking over my analytics and noticed that the posts I write and night and schedule for the following day tend to get more reads and noticeably longer “Time on Site” numbers which means people are reading them through to the end, or at least pretty darn close to the end since my posts can sometimes be incredibly long.

What I realized is that I think the quality of my posts is actually better when I write them at night. Even if I feel tired (which is happening earlier and earlier as I get older) I think there’s something about the knowledge that I have no set deadline or stopping point, I can just write. As I write this post now it’s 11:35PM on Wednesday night but as you probably noticed you’re reading this at 1:23PM in the afternoon.

All this being said I don’t see this post as one of my crowning achievements, in fact you’re probably getting bored reading this by now so I’ll cut to the chase. For any bloggers, writers or just good old night owl’s reading this post I’d be interested to hear your opinion. Do you find that you get your best work done at night or in the morning, and why?

Comment and let your voice be heard!

Photo Credit: Libertinus via Compfight cc