New Feature For 2012 – Chat With Me Live On My Blog!

I am adding some awesome new features to in 2012 and one of them that I am really excited about it live chat. In fact, I got so excited about it that I decided to add it to the blog a few days early. As you scroll down you will notice the window on the right sidebar. Along with including it on the sidebar I’ll also be adding live chat to specific posts which I will hang-out and chat with people about after I write them.

I feel this goes a step beyond responding to comments and actually lets me and my readers have a normal conversation. In general I will not be setting specific times that I’ll be available, instead I’ll just pop on and start talking to readers. If you happen to be on my blog when this happens then we can have a conversation. This is a great chance to ask me any questions you have or get advice on a specific project.

For my Newsletter Subscribers I’m adding a little bonus. At least once a month I will be holding a scheduled chat but the time will only be available to newsletter subscribers. These will usually be focused on a specific topic with my first chat coming-up in January! If you are not yet subscribed to my newsletter make sure to subscribe now!

Now every time you visit your blog you might find me here available to say hello. 2012 is going to be an exciting year and it’s only a few days away! Stay-tuned and I look forward to chatting with you soon!