My SXSW Interactive 2015 Guide Comes Out Tomorrow. Here’s how to get your event included!

It is pretty surreal living in Austin as SXSW approaches. This will actually be my very first time at SXSW and given how busy we are with Fashion Metric I don’t think I’ll have time to attend any talks, but I will be going to events on some of the evenings and over the weekend. I know a number of people who are in the same situation, too busy to take time-off during the day but still want to maximize their time at SXSW. So I’m putting together a short-list of events that I am going to attend that I think other busy startup founders should have on their radar.

I already have a solid list of events but thought it would only make sense to reach-out to my readers to see if any of them are hosting events or going to events that they think should be included. Here’s the criteria that I’m looking for to make it into my SXSW 2015 Guide:

  1. The event takes place after work or on the weekend
  2. It is something that will specifically benefit startup founders
  3. Anyone can attend (i.e. you don’t need a special invite code)

If you are hosting and event or attending an event that meets this criteria please feel free to share in the comment section below or send me an email at morgan(at) Only three more days until SXSW Interactive officially begins, I’m excited and hope to see you there!