My Spreadsheet for Tracking End-User Sales

I have received a lot of interest in how I approach end-users over the last year. If you haven’t yet downloaded my domain sales letter you might want to grab it as it is an essential part of the process. Today I thought I would share with my readers the simple spreadsheet I use to track end-users and relevant information about my domains. Of course you’ll want to make changes to this spreadsheet to make it your own, but the general format makes it easy to stay organized when you are contacting end-users.

Generally I like to have quick access to information like Google exact match searches, appraisal, and CPC for the keyword phrase. It is also essential to keep track of each person you contact, when you contacted them, and if you’ve heard back. I’ve found that many Domainers will send-out emails to hundreds of end-users only to not have a record of who they contacted and when they reached-out.

Typically if I don’t hear back within a few days I’ll send a follow-up email. In many cases I will contact these companies or individuals by phone as well and if you’d like to do the same just add a “Phone Number” column to the list. The idea is that by keeping a record of your end-user contacts you can stay on top of which leads you’ve heard back from and which you need to work harder to get in contact with.

It’s always important to remember that selling a domain is just that – sales! To be a good salesperson you need to be persistent, honest, and knowledgeable. If you can prove to your customer why they need a domain, and they have the budget to buy it…why wouldn’t they?

Okay – so are you ready to start contacting end-users about your domains? Use my spreadsheet below and feel free to make any changes to it you’d like to suit your purposes. This is a very basic spreadsheet but it’s amazing how many people don’t keep a simple record of who they’ve contacted about their domains!

Download End-User Sales Tracking Spreadsheet