Morgan’s NFT 3 – three nuggets of NFT news you should know about

I’ve been thinking for a while about doing a weekly article about what happened in the NFT world over the last week. Then, every time I sit down to write it I realize, the article is going to be fifty pages long, so much happened. Then I realized, okay – I’m never going to have time to do that, I need something I can put together in 15-20 mins.

So here we are.

If you either haven’t been paying attention to NFTs or spent this week doing a little NFT detox. Not to worry, I’ve put together three things that happened this week that I think should be on your radar. Okay, enough preamble, let’s dive in. Here’s three things that happened in the world of NFTs this week that should be/have been on your radar.

Metasaurs Announced

There’s a new NFT project in town, it’s called Metasaurs, and well, it has been the talk of the town since the moment it was announced this week. As many of my readers already know, I’m a mod on the Discord and a big fan of the project, I think it’s a super creative idea and the community has been incredible. In less than a week the Discord has grown to over 125,000 members, a new record for any NFT project. You can learn more about the project at

New Gutter Cat Species Minting Begins Tonight

Exciting news from the gutter, dogs and pigeons will be available to mint tonight. For those who haven’t been keeping track, the Gutter Cat team gave existing cat owners the opportunity to get Mint Passes for free, sold them to the general public, and held a number of giveaways. You can read more about the new species at

BOTB launches DAO for Bull owners

For those who have been following, Bulls on the Block is staging what is likely to be one of the biggest comebacks in NFT history, and this week has been full of excitement and Bull-mania. The Bull DAO is now alive and kicking as BOTB continues to execute on their new roadmap. You can learn more about the DAO by going here and clicking DAO at the top

Boom! I timed myself – put this together in just about fifteen minutes flat. Thanks for reading and happy Saturday!