Morgan’s Flippa Five:,,

Hello, happy Sunday, and welcome to Morgan’s Flippa Five. As usual I’ve gone through Flippa’s domain auction catalog and hand-picked five domains that I think could make great investments. As always, remember, a domain name is only a good investment if purchased at a wholesale price so do your research to determine what that price is using resources like DNJournal and NameBio, now onto this week’s names! – this one really speaks for itself, short, memorable one-word .COM in a massive industry. – the online education space is growing, particularly when it comes to teaching people basic web development skills like HTML, CSS, etc. This would be a great fit for a company that teaches online HTML 5 courses, just remember it’s a lot less valuable once HTML 6 comes out. –’s are possibly hotter than they have ever been before, the fact that this name is already at $7k and still rising is proof that the numeric domain market has real investment opportunity. I’m not an expert in this market so can’t tell you whether this is approaching retail pricing or if it’s still safely within a wholesale price range. – I love big juicy three character .COMs like this, not much more to say here, these are typically very good investments as long as they don’t have letters like X and Z in them. Oh and it was registered 24 years ago which doesn’t hurt. – solid two-word .COM in a space that I think is going to really grow over the next 5-10 years. This one might be tricky to sell so I’d be cautious about buying it for too much unless you plan on developing it yourself.