is Back!

Ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls, the time has come – is back in action for 2011 and with a whole new format, new schedule, new day, new time, but same Morgan! The emails have been flowing in all year and just like Dire Straits said, “I want my MTV” you have all been saying, “I want my!”

I’ve decided to make some key changes to to make it even better than last year. First, I’ll be starting-out by doing episodes twice a month every other Sunday starting with this Sunday. This year my weekdays are just too jam-packed for me to reasonably expect to do the show during the week. Right now my weekdays are dedicated to my day job which is a huge passion for me and my evenings are dedicated to Domaining which I spend a good 4-5 hours on every single night. I love every minute of my weekdays and if you are living your passion there is no such thing as work!

Since was so much fun last year I have felt a void this year and it’s time to fill that void! I’m going back to uStream with a brand-new computer and setup, it’s going to be different from last year and I think you’ll like what I have in store for all of you. Twice a month is much more reasonable and doing it on Sundays means that I won’t have to try to squeeze it into my weekdays and you won’t have to rush home from work to see it.

Here are the details for the first show, tune in and get ready for an exciting 2011. Shane, it’s time to tell the family that “the voice” is back 🙂

What: (you know, what the “M” in MTV stands for)

Where: Live from sunny Los Angeles California (on for those not in my house)

When: 4:00PM PST, 7:00PM EST

Why: Because Domaining is too damn fun to just read about!

Hope to see all of you there!!