Live TV is MUCH Harder Than I Thought – But I LOVE A Good Challenge!

So I’ve done a handful of live shows now and the more I do, the more I realize how challenging live TV is! Now I’m doing far less than the average news show but they have an entire crew running the show – for me it’s just…well, me! One of the biggest challenges for me is running the audio and video switching while also doing the show and responding to comments. It makes me both the Host and the Producer…which are two very hard things to do at once.

Last night’s show was a bit of a technical disaster but I’m not sure how much of that directly translated onto the screen. Still I feel like someone should be here filming me doing my show as it might be actually more comedic and interesting than the show itself! You can watch the show live below:

Tonight is going to be very different from last night – I’ve continued to optimize the studio and I’ll have my new producer – my girlfriend – running the A/V, video switching, etc. so I can focus 100% on hosting the show. Together we’ll be working on making the show as interactive and entertaining as possible – don’t expect to see me reading-off the Adwords Keyword Tool for twenty minutes – we’re going to get dynamic, get exciting, and hopefully keep all of you entertained!

Live video online is in its infancy, but the potential is incredible. Just think if you could get your news from a completely independent source – watch TV shows produced by regular people. You Tube has taken-off and is now the #2 search engine on the Internet! As broadcasting live online becomes easier I think we’ll see more and more people creating their own show. I have always dreamed of having my own TV show, while I’ll probably never make it on network TV I still have a blast doing it online.

Life is full of challenges and I always feel there are two kinds of people in this world – those who give-up when they encounter a challenge and those who just get even more inspired and push until their dream becomes a reality. In case you didn’t know – I’m the second kind of person 🙂

Watch me live tonight on at 7:00PM PST.