If you’d like to write a post for my blog, next week could be your week

So next week I’m doing something I haven’t done, well, maybe ever. I’m trying to not work, blog, or really do anything on a computer for a week. The reason is – I’m turning 40 on Tuesday, April 13th.

Yikes, I feel old just saying that. For my 40th Birthday I’m heading to Yosemite with my wife Daina and we’re going to stay in a cabin in the woods and just relax, hike, and enjoy nature. I grew up going to Yosemite, it’s my special place, and I can’t wait.

That being said, even with me unplugged, I’ve been writing this blog for 14 years and well, as the saying goes, “the blog must go on!”

I have three posts that I’m scheduling, two of them are pretty awesome interviews that I think you’re all going to really dig, and one is a mushy post with my reflections on turning 40. But there are two more days in the week and I thought – why not open it up to you, my readers, to throw your hat in the ring to contribute.

So if you have something to share and a topic that you think would be interesting to more people than just you, I’d love to hear more about it. Feel free to share what you’d like to write about in the comment section below, or respond to my tweet about this post on twitter, or email me directly at morgan(at)morganlinton.com.